AHADI recognizes the substantial but latent analytic talent within and outside governments in Africa to contribute, deliver, and lead on public health analytics. We focus on all aspects of public health analytics and the data life cycle, with an emphasis on practical skill-building and joint learning.
In addition to ensuring that all our program of work is inherently designed to build national capacity, we support countries’ journey to self-reliance in health analytics through competitive fellowship programs and through on-demand vocational training programs, both offered in conjunction with local institutions.

AHADI is developing three streams of fellowships. These competitive fellowships will be jointly developed and offered in collaboration with several universities within and outside of Africa.
All fellowships include components of data and analytics, systems thinking, policy translation, priority-setting, and implementation, reinforced through individual coaching. Fellows will receive continuous mentorship during and after their fellowship to sustain their skills and pass along competencies to future cohorts.

On-Demand Training
AHADI works with ministries and local institutions to co-design and implement training initiatives to address vocational capacity development needs. This on-demand training will include training to support the surge capacity required during health emergency response or ahead of the implementation of large-scale initiatives.
These training initiatives are designed for specific personnel to address specific skills gaps identified by countries as priority needs, spanning the data life cycle from collection to use for decision-making. Skills acquired during these trainings are meant to be used regularly as part of daily work.
Interested in fellowships or training?
We’re in the process of establishing our fellowships and training programs. Let us know who you are and what programs interest you as an educator or participant. We are interested in working with institutions on co-developing and implementing programs. Please tell us your ideas on the essential training needs for public health data analytics.