Thinking Ahead

We work with countries and regional partners to think ahead and generate the necessary foresight to optimize emerging opportunities and mitigate threats to health in Africa.

Tracking biological and climate
change threats to malaria in Africa

AHADI is part of a partnership supporting an initiative by the WHO Regional Office for Africa to track biological and climate threats to malaria in Africa.

This work will provide a detailed picture of the occurrence of biological threats as well as the risk posed by climate change in the region. The results will inform the preparedness, mitigation and response plans required in countries to respond to these threats, including identifying and addressing key gaps in surveillance and data.

Disease outlook report of the WHO African Region

The WHO Regional Office for Africa (AFRO) released its Ending Disease Strategy in 2022 to set a vision for a region free of its most debilitating communicable and non-communicable diseases.

To track progress toward this strategy, the Communicable and Non-Communicable diseases cluster of AFRO, under the leadership of its Director Dr Benido Impouma, has initiated an annual disease outlook report. The first disease outlook report was published in 2023. AHADI is working with AFRO as the lead partner to develop the second series of the disease outlook report in 2025, focusing on the regional pivot needed to get onto a positive trajectory toward the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Collaborate with us

We are working to strengthen the practice of evidence-informed health priority-setting in Africa. If you would like to work with us, please get in touch.

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