Health Systems Strengthening
We focus on evidence-informed priority-setting through the inter-linked processes of strengthening national data systems, subnational health and disease risks analyses, impact evaluations, and the development of tailored national health sector and disease strategic plans.

We are working with Ministries of Health in Nigeria and Tanzania to evaluate the current state, utilization, and effectiveness of public health analytics in the planning and development of national strategic plans and in malaria, HIV, TB and health emergencies.
The analysis will map processes, linkages with disease strategies, actors and capacities and identify opportunities, gaps, challenges, and best practices in leveraging analytics for evidence-informed decision-making. It is expected to provide recommendations for enhancing the integration and use of analytics in strategic health planning processes.
This work is funded by the Gates Foundation.

AHADI is assembling evidence on processes involved in health sector priority-setting (HSPS) in low- and middle-income countries, and on the use of data and analytics in these processes.
We aim to understand the facilitators of successes and challenges in HSPS, and to develop solutions to challenges in partnership with countries. Learnings are drawn from the literature and a case study of Ghana, conducted via in-country stakeholder consultations in collaboration with the University of Health and Allied Sciences in Ghana. Study findings will be disseminated to support countries in optimizing data and analytic capacity for decision-making to improve population health.

AHADI is working with the WHO Africa Regional Office’s Malaria Team and Precision Public Health Metrics Unit to support countries in the establishment and use of national integrated malaria data repositories.
This work has four objectives: to develop implementation guidelines, standard operating procedures and the use of digital tools for malaria; to establish malaria data repositories in selected countries; to institutionalize data ownership and data-informed decision-making for malaria; and to enhance the strategic use of these data repositories for regional and global information products.
Collaborate with us
We are working to strengthen the practice of evidence-informed health priority-setting in Africa.